Dumisani had his hands chopped off with a panga after he was accused of stealing from a church in Kwa-Guqa in Emalahleni. A pastor and his son have been arrested, according to Sowetan LIVE.”I begged him to at least leave me with one hand, but he said my friends must see what happens to people […]
KZN mom dumps little baby by the roadside. Leaves emotional letter attached to the kid.
A heartbreaking incident unfolded when a three-month-old infant was discovered abandoned near a stream, accompanied by an apology note written by her mother. The mother explained in the letter that she felt she had no other choice after failing to receive assistance from social services. The baby girl, found in good health, was left with […]
The loss of 3-year-old Onika Nkone has left everyone heartbroken.
The tragic passing of 3-year-old Onika Nkone has left his family and online followers heartbroken. Known for his joyful spirit and charming presence, Onika was a beloved Instagram influencer who captured the hearts of many through his vibrant posts. Sadly, he passed away due to pneumonia, leaving his family in profound grief and his growing […]